About US

Changing the Face of Aging

At Medical Guardian our members safety, well-being, and peace of mind are at the heart of everything we do. Since our inception, we’ve committed ourselves to providing exceptional healthcare services and products that redefine the experience of growing older.



Our company was born out of love and a deep sense of responsibility. Our CEO and Founder, Geoff Gross, started this journey to keep his beloved grandmother, Freda, safe. Since that time, our passion and determination to protect others have only grown. Currently, more than 325,000 members stand in our circle of protection.

For us, it’s about empowering our members to age how they want. After all, they earned the right! Wearing our medical alert devices keeps people active because they feel more confident and protected, allowing them and their loved ones to worry less.

What started as a small endeavor focused on one family’s need has blossomed into an industry-leading company. We offer an extensive range of Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) and other healthcare services for aging adults. Over the years, we’ve equipped countless households with our pioneering solutions, ensuring that quality of life is not just maintained but elevated for years to come.

Our Mission

Our mission transcends mere product offerings; we are in the business of empowering lives. We aim to drive change in how the world perceives aging—transforming it from a phase of limitations to a period of opportunities and continued growth. Our commitment is multifaceted:

Inspire Independence & Activity

Provide devices and resources that give our members the confidence and protection to do what they love and live a life without limits.


Personalized Healthcare Solutions

Offer accessible and personalized choices to create an experience uniquely tailored to each individual’s needs.

White- System

Comprehensive Care Management

Provide immediate emergency response and proactive care to improve overall well-being.

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Pioneer Innovation

Evolve safety solutions to meet members’ evolving needs and preferences.

We are committed to empowering individuals to live with confidence, security, and independence.

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What Sets Us Apart

Innovative Approach

While our competitors may offer similar devices, none match our commitment to innovation. With unique products such as the first-of-its-kind OmniSIM, voice-activated PERS, and our integration with Amazon Alexa, we continuously push the boundaries of what’s possible in healthcare technology.

Comprehensive Solutions

Our product range isn’t just diverse; it’s tailor-made to meet the varied needs of our members. Whether you are an active older adult or a caregiver for someone who requires more complex care, our solutions are designed to give you the freedom and peace of mind you deserve.

Human-Centric Focus

At the core of our operations is a deep understanding and respect for the human experience. Our MG Wellness Team is always available, ensuring that not only are you protected but you also feel heard and cared for.

Ready to Join Our Circle of Protection?

You’ve learned about our mission, our history, and what sets us apart. Now, take the next step to secure the peace of mind you and your loved ones deserve. Explore our innovative range of products designed to offer you independence, well-being, and a life without limits.